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  • Source. Content texts much be original. In the event that texts by other authors are included, they must be properly cited. These cited texts must not be misused.
  • Creation. The creation of content texts shall be done directly through eXeLearning. In the event that the text was originally created in a different editor, it can be included as content by using the "paste without formatting" button.
  • Drafting Conventions 
    • The first-person plural must be used. Students should be addressed through informal, correct, and direct language – avoid long paragraphs and academic language.
    • Texts should focus on providing directions for tasks that are brief, clear, and direct. Informational and motivational texts may appear, but they should be limited in length (1-2 paragraphs per iDevice).
  • Title. The resource's title must appear in the header. All the resources from the same project must make reference to the title.
  • Spelling. References to check spelling and grammar can include the Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (Panhispanic Dictionary of Doubts) and the Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language). For any questions that are not included in the aforementioned two resources, the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language's query service must be used.
  • Alignment. The default text alignment should be used. The align right, align left, align center, and justified buttons must not be used.
  • Font size and font family The defaults provided by the editor should be used (default font size / font face).
  • Bold. Only important words or expressions within the text may be put in bold.
  • Colors. Different text colors other than the original color used shall not be employed to highlight words or mark sections within the text.
  • Headers Limited use. 
  • Titles of works. The general guidelines of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language shall be used (for resources drafted in languages other than Spanish, the respective linguistic guidelines shall be taken into account):
    • Titles of artistic works (films, videos, books, songs, etc.): in italics.
    • Titles of documents (rubrics, templates, publications): between quotation marks.
    • Titles of website articles, parts of books, etc.: between quotation marks.
    • Titles of websites, blogs, mass media pages: plain text.
Quotes from Texts
  • Short quotes. These must be included by using the "cite with author" button and including the author's name.
  • Text fragments that are longer than a paragraph. These must be included by using the "cite with author" button (without checking the "include style" option) and including the author's name and the title of the original work.
  • Citing electronic documents. The following recommendations must be considered:
  • By default, unordered lists must be used.
  • The editor's default bullets are to be used.
  • The list depth level must be limited to one.
  • A list with a single element must never be included.
  • period must be written if it is a text list (no period is to be used if the list is of links).
  • Links must be external. Internal links within the document's contents may not be used (i.e., links to anchors). 
  • The link text should contain the title or a descriptive name of the element being linked. Expressions like "at the following link" or "click here" must not be used.
  • When a link is included, the target must be a new window  accesibilidad and a generic link title should be included for reasons of accessibility.

Writing styles shall be used that make the text easy to read (reference documents: Easy Reading: Methods of Writing and Assessment (Ministry of Health) and The Easy Dictionary.

Use accessible fonts.

If headings are used, respect their hierarchy and try to enhance their contrast (use Color Contrast Analyzer to be sure).

In the event that the links open in a new window, this must be explicitly stated in their title. Thus, said title must end with the words "opens in a new window" so as not to mislead the blind, as changing windows can make them lose track of where they were surfing.