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Image relevance

Images inserted in the OER must broaden/enhance the meaning of the texts or support the proposed activities.

Image size
Images must have a size of 560 x 315 pixels (side images should be 250 x 140 pixels). >In the event that the original image is of a different size, its width should be reduced to 560 pixels with an external editor. Next, the height of the canvas should be set to 315 pixels and the part of the image that is of interest should be centered on the canvas.  Image proportions should be kept so as not to distort the images.
Alignment of images
In general images should be centered. The use of side images should be limited.
Information to be Included when an image is inserted 
The appropriate fields must be filled out :
  • General tab: Description of the image. 
  • Title and acknowledgment: Title of the image and a link to the source / author, as well as a link to the license.
Image databases

The image title and image description should be different from each other for each image. Likewise, different images should have different titles and descriptions.

The image description is what a screen reader will read to someone who cannot see the image. It is also the text that will be displayed if the image does not load; thus, the relevant information about what the image has in it must be provided for those who cannot see it. This should be an objective description of what is seen in the image, described in a way that is sufficiently relevant to the image itself. For example, a picture of a computer with a padlock accompanying a text about computer security could have the description, "Picture of a laptop computer on a desk with a padlock protecting it."

The image title can be subjective, and is intended to briefly and synthetically highlight what the relationship is between the image and the content. For example, a picture of a computer with a padlock accompanying a text about computer security could have the words "Computer Security" as its title.