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When does it take place?

What is it about?

30 mins

At the end of this mission, you will be able to add to your website some more information about the festivity your team has chosen.

You will work the writing and speaking skills.

MoreLight. munich-oktoberfest-ride-carousel (CC0)


Think about the name of the festivity that your team has chosen.

Now, you have to try to foresee what the festivity is about. 

  • You have to think about what can happen in that festival: what people do, what they wear, if they have to prepare for that occasion, etc.
  • Then, you have to decide what the participants in the festival can and can't do. Once you have written down the text, add it to your 'website'. 
  • Finally, each of the teams will have to explain those ideas to the rest of the classmates orally.

Remember: it doesn't matter if you are finally right or wrong with that you have foreseen about the festivity. The important thing is to be creative and to try to guess what the festivity is about.

When does it happen?

60 mins

Once you have thought about what your festivity might be like, it is the moment now to imagine a little bit. Imagine that in your festivity there is also a music festival with your favourite pop band. Write down the things that you think that you have to take to that festival. These recommendations have to be expressed in terms of obligation or prohibition.

 If you need more ideas about what you can bring to your festivity, you can also visit the website The seven festival essentials you'll probably forget. Take a look at all the objects and discuss with the members of your team which ones you would take to a music festival and which ones you wouldn't. 

Free-Photos. audience-concert-music (CC0)


Your final product for this step of your mission will be to add some text about your festivity with two things that people must do and two things that people mustn't in your festivity.

Remember that the text about the festivity with all these obligations and prohibitions has to be added to your team website.

Steps for your mission

Previous investigation

You need to learn how to express obligation and prohibition in English in order to know what to bring to the music festival.

The main purpose of this mission is to write down at least two obligatory things that you must do in the festivity and two things that are not allowed.

Creating the sentences

Read carefully the information from these websites and write down the recommendations:


Your final product for this mission will be to add to your website what the festivity actually consists of: when it happens, what people must do or mustn't do, etc. Remember that these sentences must be as clear as possible. 

You can also include these sentences into you blog. You must remember to identify your post with the tag "When does it take place?"

Remember to include the link to your website, in order to share it with your teacher and classmates.

If you want, your teacher can spread your post using the Twitter account of the classroom. For that reason, you have to write down the tweet for the teacher. Remember:

  • we can use up to 280 characters.
  • Include your blog's link to your post.
  • Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIAfestivities

The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help us know how to do a great job.

Before posting your text, you should ask your classmates to check your work and make suggestions, corrections.etc. You have to do the same work with some of your mates' outcomes, too. And remember not to get discouraged because making mistakes is a very good way to learn!

Learning Diary

Writing tools

Peter O'Shea. Writing tools (CC BY)

It's time to continue with your Learning Diary. Remember it helps you reflect on what you are learning and most important: what the best way for learning is.

Go back to the document you opened in the previous mission as a Learning Diary. Below your previous writing, you will create a new section entitled: "When does it take place?".

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