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Which festivity do we choose?

Travelling to another country!

30 mins
Pairs or Teamwork

At the end of this mission, you will be able to talk about one festivity that takes place at an English-speaking country.

You will work the writing and speaking skills.

Tama66. balloons-colorful-ballons-color (CC0)

Writing a text with some previous ideas

You have to create a short text with at least the most important elements a festivity must have:

  • From the poster you created in the previous mission, think of all the most relevant elements your local festival has.
  • Write down your ideas and choose the best ones.
  • Create your text in pairs or groups and hand it to your teacher. The teacher will help you improve your expression in English.
  • Finally, read aloud the main highlights about the most important elements your local festivity has.

Maybe you could also ask your classmates, parents, brothers and sisters... They could give you some more ideas about this topic.

Where do we want to travel?


Let's continue with your work.  Along this mission your objective is to choose one festivity from an English-Speaking country and make some research about it.

Your final mission will be to compose some text with the main events that take place in that festivity and to make some research about the country it takes place.


You have to continue with your own website with a Weebly site. Remember to tell your teacher the URL of your website, so he or she will be able to compose a padlet with all your websites.

stokpic. hands-world-map-global-earth-600497 (CC0)


Steps for your mission in step 2.

Previous investigation

Decide in groups which festivity is going to be investigated by each of the groups. Remember that all the teams in the classroom have to choose at least one festivity from each country, so all the countries will be represented, but the festivity cannot be repeated.

You can choose the one you prefer from the following websites. :

After having chosen the festivity, tell your teacher who will prepare a padlet with all the festivities you are going to work with. Remember that they cannot be repeated and there must be, at least, one from each country.  

Create the text for the country where your festivity takes place

Remember that you are at the second step of the website for your festivity:

So, at this step, you will have to include these pieces of information:

  • basic information about the country (capital city, population, etc)
  • some text about the festivity
  • and some images or videos about it

In this second step, you have to look for some information about the country:

  • physical and political maps
  • video with the anthem and its lyrics
  • an image of the country's flag
  • and any interesting information you may find about the country where your festivity takes place (demography, historical timeline, etc)

Try to be as creative as possible.

In order to explain the things you have discovered in your research about the country, you will need to 'review the use 'there is' and 'there are' in English. After revising how to express existence in English, you may need to practice with some exercises. Your teacher can help you choose the most adequate for you. 


You can include the text you have created about the country information into your blog. 

Don't forget to identify the post with the tag "Travelling to another country".

If you want, your teacher can disseminate your post with the link of your website using the classroom's Twitter account. For that purpose, you have to write down the tweet for the teacher. Remember: 

  • You can use only up to 280 characters.
  • Include the link to your post. 
  • Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIAfestivities

The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help you know how to do a great job. 

Before posting your text, you should also ask another classmate to check your work and make suggestions or corrections. You must do the same work with some of your mates' outcomes, too. And remember that you don't have to get discouraged because making mistakes is a good way to learn!

With this task you have chosen the festivity and made some research about the country where it takes place. 

Learning Diary

Writing tools

Peter O'Shea. Writing tools (CC BY)

It's time to continue with your Learning Diary. Remember it helps you reflect on what you are learning and most important: what the best way for learning is.

Let's go back to the document we opened in the previous mission as a Learning Diary.

Below your previous writing you will create a new section entitled: 'Let's travel to another country!'.

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