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Let's start the research!

Let's celebrate

15 mins

At the end of this mission, you will have chosen one of the festivities that are celebrated around the world to do some research about it. Once your team chooses the festivity, you will start your website about it.

You will have also worked the listening and writing skills.

Deltaworks. Fireworks (CC0)

To introduce the topic of festivities, you are going to do a listening about "Holidays".

In the listening 'Best Holiday' , there are six people who talk about their favorite holiday in their home country. Listen carefully to what they say. If necessary, you can also read the script.

There are also some questions to check your comprehension. You can answer these questions in pairs and then you can add the result in your learning diary.

Why do we celebrate?

Two sessions

Remember that your final mission will be to create a website with information about a festivity of an English-speaking country to learn about other ways of doing things and customs of celebrating around the world. Your team will follow some steps in order to complete all the tasks.


At this day and age, even though everybody has a lot of duties, people of all places and origins like celebrating their festivities. Are you aware of this? Let's see:

  • Which celebrations do you usually have in your area?
  • Which season do they take place?
  • What do you celebrate?

For sure, there are quite a lot of different festivities that you have and celebrate in your area all year round. Which is your favorite one?

Your final mission in this step will be to create that a digital poster with this information. It must be attractive and clear. Remember to include some pictures of the main events. Don't forget that the 'Rubric to assess a digital poster' will help you know how to do a great job.

Free-Photos. Sparkler (CC0)

Steps for your mission

Previous investigation

Try to look for different videos or information about your local festivals. These videos and websites will help you with your investigation and will give you some ideas about the information that you can include in your presentation/video. To avoid using possible videos you may use in your research, here you can find an example of festivities in French-speaking countries that can give you an idea of the topic you have to look for:

What I already know about my local festivals

From the video you have seen and the information you have read, try to find videos and information on websites about your local festivities and create a digital poster with the following information:

  • When they take place in the calendar
  • Some pictures of the main events that take place
  • Do you participate in any event? Any relative does?
  • Why do you celebrate them?
  • How often do you celebrate them? Every year?

You can now create a digital poster. In order to create it you can choose from among some of the following digital tools:

Your final mission will be to create this digital poster and include it in your website. It must be attractive and clear. Remember to include some pictures of the main events. Don't forget that the 'Rubric to assess a digital poster' will help you know how to do a great job.


You can also include the poster into your blog.

Don't forget to identify the post with the tag "Why do we celebrate?".

Your teacher can spread your post using the classroom's Twitter account. Before publishing it, you have to write it down for the teacher. Remember:

  • You can use 280 characters.
  • You have to include the link to your post.
  • Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIAfestivities

The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help you know how to do a great job.

Before publishing your post, ask your classmates to check your work and make suggestions to improve it, make corrections... You must do the same task with some of your mates' outcomes, too. You don´t have to get discouraged because making mistakes is obviously a good way to learn!

With this task, you have focused on what you already know about your own festivals and why you celebrate them. This will be very useful for your final task. What's more, your poster could include, for example, some information about the festivals of other nearby towns or cities.

Learning Diary

Writing tools

Peter O'Shea. Writing tools (CC BY)

After having reflected on your own local festivals, it's time to continue with your Learning Diary.

Go back to the document you opened in the previous mission as a Learning Diary.

Below your previous writing, you have to create a new section entitled: 'Let's start the research!'.

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