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What a big world!

Where is it?

Welcome to the first page of contents in which you will create a digital map based on some provinces in your country.

yas640. Mundo (CC0)

Previous activities: about places

The activities presented below will help you acquire key vocabulary and useful language to perform successfully your first mission within this project. They are your first steps towards the final challenge of this project: the planning and organization of an Expo on cities/towns in your region.

Activity 1: A worldwide view - Geography Quiz

Start this section by watching a video on Geography vocabulary. With a partner, comment on the questions below. The words and expressions underlined will lead you to relevant information. If necessary, search for more information on the Internet.

Activity 2:  About cities - Oral interaction

Let us focus on Spain, a great country full of nice cities. Take turns with a classmate to comment on the questions below. Enter the map of Spanish cities and answer the questions that follow.

  • Which cities have you visited?
  • Where are they located? Check how to locate places on a map on the site.
  • Give reasons why you like or don't like each city. Use adjectives from the list on the site to justify your answers.
  • What means of transport can you use to move around the city where you live?
  • Where you live, what's the weather like in summer? What about in winter time? Have a look at weather expressions on the Woodward English site.
Activity 3: City factsheet - Poster Creation

Sign in at Canva and create a poster on one of your favourite cities. Include a factsheet including its location, land surface, population, weather, public transport and official language.  Share your poster with your classmates on Pinterest. Remember to attach a photo of the city when you post it. Publish your poster on a page that you will entitle 'My digital Resources' in your Weebly site.

Extra resources

Make sure you can refer to key facts about cities and countries because this is going to be essential in the mission you are about to start.

At the end of this section, you will have:

  • Learnt about some important features from foreign countries
  • Practised geolocation navsat on a map.
  • Expressed facts and figures.
  • Created and presented four factsheets based on cities.

The number of people or inhabitants in a country or region.

The four corners

Your first mission consists of designing a digital map on which you will locate four different cities.  You will be working with three other students from your class. 

VHS Lahr. Extremadura (CC0)


Remember that you can evaluate other groups' work with the same criteria in these two rubrics. If you think that some criteria are missing, do not hesitate to tell your teacher and consider them to evaluate your classmates.

Click on the titles below to get more information about your work and how to promote it.

Your work
  • Get together in groups of four students and agree to choose four cities from the map of Spanish provinces. Choose one city from each cardinal point, that is, from the north, the east, the south and west.
  • For each city, every member in the group must search for relevant information concerning the points below:
    • Population
    • Surface
    • Official language/-s
    • Weather
    • Transport to move around
  • Contrast the information you all have found and agree with your groupmates on what you should include in each city's factsheet.
  • Create a map with Google maps and locate the four cities. 
  • With a Google account, enter Google maps and create your own map entitled "Four corner map". Search in the map search bar the cities that you have selected with your group. When you find them, click on the icon that looks like a balloon to add a marker. Put your cursor over the location and click to add the marker. A screen will appear where you can title the marker, add relevant information about each city and links to websites . By clicking on the camera icon, you can add videos or photos.
  • Be sure to save changes.
  • Make your map public or send the link to your teacher.
  • On a fixed date, you will present your map to your classmates. Let them know about interesting facts based on your four Spanish cities. Besides, compare the cities by answering to the following questions:
    • Which city is hotter in summer?
    • Which one is colder in winter?
    • Which city is wetter?
    • Which city is more crowded?
    • Which has the best public transport?
    • Which is more interesting to visit? Why?

      Tip: when preparing your presentation, revise the comparative and superlative adjectives on the  site. You will further practise these forms in the Better, smarter places section of this resource.

Work promotion

Publish your map on the page 'My Digital Resources' in your Weebly site. You can share it with the rest of classmates on Pinterest. To do this, remember to accompany your post with an image.

After completing the mission, it is important that you enter the Learning diary section and reflect on your work.

Learning diary

How is it going? Open again your Learning Diary (download in editable odt format, download in pdf) on your site and create a new post on your blog with the title 'What a big world!'. Click on Writing the post and answer the questions.

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