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Fun & food

Festival time

Spain is a multicultural country with a wide range of traditions and festivities. In this section, you will design a timeline based on a popular festival program which will include a meal with a typical dish of the town/city/region that you will promote at the Expo.

Couleur. Carnaval (CC0)

Previous activities: World festivals

The activities in this section will help you acquire knowledge about festivals and traditions around the world. The sequencing and promotion of a traditional festival will be an important part in the information about the place that you and your classmates will be promoting at the Country Expo.

Activity 1: Hogmanay

Read about the celebration of the Scottish New Year festival on the site. With your classmates, comment on the questions below.

  • What do you do on New Year's Eve? Have some help about key vocabulary on the site.
  • Do you eat any special food on this day? Is it sweet or salty?
  • What typical festivals are celebrated in your town/city? 
  • How long do these festivals last?
  • Which is the greatest day in each festival?
Activity 2:  Delicious bites

In festival time, families and friends get together to eat typical local food. Read the information below about a type of food which people usually eat in Spain during Christmas time.

It has got a lot of sugar, a lot of almonds, some eggs, a bit of vanilla flavour, some water. It is usually made in rectangular shape. Can you guess the type of food? Click on the Pixabay image to check your answer.

Search for a festivity and think of a typical dishDo a shopping list with the ingredients that you need to prepare it. Tell your partner about quantities of each ingredient that you need (use quantifiers some, a lot of a bit of, little, etc. to refer to these quantities).

Sign in at Canva and create a recipe with the ingredients you need for your typical meal.  Share it  with your classmates on  Pinterest. Remember to attach a photo illustrating the dish when you post it. Publish your recipe on the page entitled 'My digital Resources' in your Weebly site.

Activity 3: Festivals around
Speaking. Click on the festivals' titles below and take turns with a classmate to say what you see or what you can't see in each picture. Use quantifiers and the words provided in your sentences
Extra resources
At the end of this section, you will have:
  • Learnt about festivals and traditions
  • Revised food-related vocabulary
  • Learnt about quantifiers
  • Designed a timeline announcing a popular festival program

Fun for everyone

The mission you are about to start consists of planning a traditional festivity in the area/city on which your classmates and you have been working in the previous sections. Remember that your group will exhibit this festivity programme at your Expo stand as one more strategy to attract visitors.

nickgesell. Fireworks (CC0)


Please, click on the headings below and follow the instructions to do the mission accurately.

Your work
  • Get together in groups of four students. Decide on which festivity, typical of the area where you live, you would like to design your program.
  • After agreeing on the traditional festival, comment with your group members the information that you know regarding the festival dates, the activities that people do and the traditional food during these days.
  • Enrich this festivity celebration by searching for information on the Internet.
  • Consider an online tool such as  Tiki-Toki to design your celebration program/ timeline.
  • Get images to illustrate the program. Use free licence image banks.
  • Record a video explaining the ingredients of the typical food during the festival.
  • Distribute the information about the festival among the group members and write a draft. Let your group members supervise your draft and supervise and correct your partners'.
  • Agree on the design of your timeline and on the activities that are planned for people who want to enjoy the festival.
  • After completing your timeline/program, your group will agree with your teacher on a fixed date to present it in front of the class group.
  • In your presentation, consider the use of key vocabulary on celebrations and traditions, quantifiers and future tenses.
Work promotion

Publish your timeline on the page 'My Digital Resources'  in your Weebly site. You can share it with the rest of your classmates on Pinterest. To do this, remember to accompany your post with an image (it can be a snapshot of your timeline).

Learning diary

How is it going? Open again your  Learning Diary (download in editable odt format, download in pdf)  on your site and create a new post on your blog with the title 'Fun & food'. Click on Writing the post and answer the questions.

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