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What can you do at home?

Why don't you also recycle at home?

At the end of this mission, you will be able to share your 3Rs campaign with the rest of the classmates, school and relatives. 

You will work the writing, speaking and reading skills.

Reading about the World Water Day

In this project, you have focused on the 3Rs: recycle, reduce and reuse materials and save energy at school and at home.

Another important aspect that you have to take into account when raising awareness about saving, is the special care you must have with water.

In this case, you have to do these reading activities to get in touch with this important aspect of your lives: World Water Day.

And at home?

Remember that at this stage, your team has decided some actions that can be done in your classroom and at school. But, what about at home? What actions can we do in order to save energy, recycle, reduce and reuse materials? Now, it is the turn to think about what can you do at home. If you need some ideas about what can you do to recycle at home, remember to visit the website 11 ideas for easier recycling at home

So, as a final mission of this project we are going to add some more ideas to your padlet about recycling at home. When you finish your padlet, you will create a QR code with it to show why your campaign is the best to learn about the 3Rs. To generate your QR code, use a code generator using the URL of your padlet.

Your final product for this mission will be add some more ideas to your padlet about recycling. The 'Rubric to assess the project: 3Rs campaign' will guide you to know how to do a great job.

Resources and guides for this mission:

Contents of your padlet

The padlet should include:

  • Post about:
    • Things that can be recycled and actions that you are going to do in your classroom.
    • The recommendations you are going to make for the whole school to implement the 3Rs.
    • The actions you can easily do at home to improve recycling, reusing, reducing and saving energy.
  • You can also add a motto to make your campaign easier to remember:
    • It has to be short and a good summary of your campaign.
    • It has to be easy to remember.
Ideas and tools

Some points you should consider to create a good padlet are:

  • Clear and short messages in each post of your padlet.
  • Good pictures in each post.
  • Attractive design and three sections that can be clearly distinguished.
  • Important to say why you think your campaign is going to be the best.
The final post with your padlet and the QR code.

Your final product for this mission will be to create the post to include your padlet. These points can help you remember all the information we should include in your post.

  • An explanation about the task.
  • Embed the padlet with your QR code.
  • The link to your Learning Diary.
  • A short reflection about what you have learnt and how you have learnt it.

Don't forget to identify your post with the tag "Project: 3Rs campaign".

If you want, your teacher can spread your post using the Twitter account of the classroom. For that reason, you have to write down the tweet for the teacher. Remember:

  • You can use 280 characters.
  • Include the link to your post.
  • Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIArecycling

The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help you know how to do a great job.

Before posting your text, let's ask your colleagues to check your work and make suggestions, corrections. You have to do the same work with some of your mates' outcomes, too. Don't be afraid. Making mistakes is a good way to learn!

Organizing and sharing

Now it's time to share and disseminate your 3Rs campaign using the QR codes.  Along the project you have published different posts in your digital portfolio.

  • As a summary, you will create a complete post (digital portfolio) in your blog with a reflection about what you have learnt along this project.
  • You are invited to make a public presentation of your videos and of course, a special work with social networks.
  • You can also print more QR codes of all your padlets and share them at school.
  • You can also ask your local authorities to share the QR codes in authorised public places in your town for everybody to learn about what they can do with their waste. 

Steps for this mission

Creating the post

The following items will guide you to create the post (Don't forget to identify your post with the tag "Project:3Rs campaign"):

  • Main vocabulary of the project.
  • Grammar reference.
  • All the activities related with the topic.
  • Final outcome of the project: The padlet and the QR code.
  • A good idea would be to include the links to all the posts you have created along the whole project.You can also include the link to your Learning Diary.
Public presentation

You are invited to make a public presentation of your padlets. Don't you think it could be a great activity to organize an event at your school/classroom?

Teachers, students, parents and maybe other people could know what you have been doing and value all your effort.

Each group must introduce the posters. The resource 'Linking words: Sequence' will help you with general sentences to prepare your speech.

The 'Rubric to assess an oral presentation' will help you know how to do a great job.


Now it is time to disseminate your final post through the social networks. Remember to use classroom's Twitter account run by your teacher. So it is time for you to create a tweet to disseminate your post. It will be published through the class account. Remember:

  • You can use up to 280 characters.
  • Include the link to your post, your padlet and the QR code.
  • Use the hashtag of the project: #EDIArecycling

The 'Rubric to assess a tweet' will help you know how to do a great job.

Learning Diary: final evaluation

Writing tools

Peter O'Shea. Writing tools (CC BY)

You have finished the project, but there is a very important aspect to focus on now: you will assess all the work you have done. It is very easy; you are going to think on everything you have learnt and how you have learnt it: you have to think on all the missions you have crafted.

What's more, if the final assessment is positive, your teacher will give you a badge recognizing this effort that you can include in your Learning Diary. By doing so, you will be awarded an accomplishment badge by your teacher who will be able to create them using this website.

You will create a new section entitled: "Checking the project 3Rs campaing".

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