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Insert package

Use the option Merge Elps> Insert package when you want to include earlier work that you have done or elps that you have downloaded from the Internet.

Take into account the licenses of the new package.

  1. In the content tree select the node from which you want to insert the new content.
  2. Clicking on the right mouse button shows the option "Insert package". It is possible to access this option from the menu File> Merge Elps.
  3. Selecting this option opens a navigation window where you will select the package .elp to insert.
  4. Once selected, the content of the new package will be integrated in a lower level than the node from which you inserted it.

Insert package

Note the metadata and information in the properties tab of the package you are working on are maintained and are not changed by inserting new elps. If the inserted package has metadata, this will be deleted.

CeDeC. eXeLearning. Insert elp package. (CC by)

Practice eXeLearning: insert package

Try the following procedures:

  • Open your file any of the ones you have downloaded.
  • Insert in it another of the files that you downloaded or the didactic unit with which you have worked.
  • Modify the properties of the .elp.
  • Save the resulting .elp with a different name.
  • Make the export to see the result.